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Abiquifi holds meeting in the House of Representatives to discuss Cannabidiol regulation

  • 08-12-2019

Abiquifi holds meeting in the House of Representatives to discuss Cannabidiol regulation

This Thursday (8/8), Abiquifi - Brazilian Association of Pharmaceutical Ingredients Industry held, in the House of Representatives (DF), a breakfast on the regulation of medicinal use of Cannabis, a topic that has been widely discussed in the last months and is in Public Consultation until August 19. Parliamentarians, representatives of the Federal Council of Pharmacy, Anvisa and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) were present. The meeting was intended to discuss the regulatory situation of cannabidiol-based medicines, people's access to these products safely and effectively, their impact on public health and business opportunities. "The purpose of the meeting is to provide parliamentarians and advisers with relevant information that contributes to the understanding of the production of cannabis-based drugs," said Norberto Prestes, Abiquifi's CEO.

The event was attended by Deputies Alex Manente (CIDADANIA-SP), Alexandre Padilha (PT-SP), Eduardo Costa (PTB-PA) and Vinicius Poit (NOVO-SP), as well as cabinet representatives of Carla Zambelli ( Carmen Zanotto (CIDADANIA-SC), Marcelo Calero (CIDADANIA-RJ), Paulo Magalhães (PSD-BA), Tiago Mitraud (NOVO-MG) and representatives of Senators Mara Gabrilli (PSDB-SP) and Jayme Fields (DEM-MT).

"People do not have access to the drug. Importation, besides having a high cost, does not generate development of this economic chain in our country. It is not an ideological issue, but public health," said Deputy Alex Manente. "This topic is complex and has been discussed for years. We have to gather the experiences of the path that has already been taken so far and go one step further in terms of regulation," said Federal Deputy Eduardo Costa, author of the request for holding the public hearing on the subject.

During breakfast, experts presented their opinion on the issue from different perspectives. Marcelo Grecco, consultant for The Green Hub presented economic data showing the potential market size for the product in Brazil. Dr. Margarete Akemi, Counselor of the Federal Pharmacy Council, addressed the technical aspects of the drug, underscoring the urgency of the issue as thousands of patients are making home use of the product without precise control of substances and raw materials used. Also present was Dr. Euclides Cardozo, from the Regional Council of Pharmacy of Paraná, presenting information on the cultivation of herbal medicines and the benefits to local agriculture from this practice, as well as an opportunity for agribusiness. Reporting somewhat on the experience with autistic patients, Dr. Graciela Pignatari, Tismoo's Executive Director, shared cases with remarkable improvement in the comorbidities (conditions associated with another disorder) involved when administering Canabidiol, alleviating the suffering of children and families. . Dr. Daniela Marreco, Deputy Director of the Second Board of Anvisa, presented the objectives of the ongoing proposals within the agency. “The General Purpose of Regulatory Proposals in Public Consultation (Registration and Monitoring of Cannabis-Based Medicines; and Cultivation of the Cannabis Spp. Plant for Medicinal and Scientific Purposes) is to improve access to Cannabis-spp. for medical purposes in Brazil with adequate quality, safe and effective, in addition to the development of scientific research. Specific objectives include: the definition of safety and control requirements for cultivation for medicinal and scientific purposes of Cannabis spp. in Brazil and the assessment of current requirements for regularization of Cannabis spp. products, ”says Daniela. Concluding the technical presentation, Mr. Luis Rangel, Director of Studies and Prospecting of the Secretariat of Agricultural Policy at MAPA, spoke about the relevance of the theme and stated that the ministry is ready to receive the registration application of the cultivars.

Abiquifi has structured with its associated companies a Working Group focused on Medicinal Cannabis, and will promote several actions in the coming months in order to disseminate technical information on the subject and develop necessary referrals for the production of cannabidiol inputs and medicines.


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