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UK and Brazil Sign Contract for Cooperation in Pharmaceutical Industry

  • 02-01-2019

UK and Brazil Sign Contract for Cooperation in Pharmaceutical Industry



UK and Brazil Sign Contract for Cooperation in Pharmaceutical Industry

The UK Department of International Trade (DIT) and the Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Product Industry (Abiquifi) sign a Memorandum of Understanding on 1 February which recognizes and recognizes mutual cooperation and bilateral trade relations between the two countries


 São Paulo, February 1, 2019.

The UK Foreign Trade Ministry (DIT) and the Brazilian Association of Pharmaceutical Supplies Industry (Abiquifi) have agreed to sign a five-year memorandum of understanding on 1 February and 2019.
Brazil and the United Kingdom have developed several bilateral programs and projects of mutual cooperation in various industries. Most recently, a similar agreement was signed with the City of São Paulo focusing on projects for smart cities. This relationship is very present in the commercial sector of the two countries and now makes a leap to another area of ??great global interest: the pharmaceutical and input industries.
In addition to recognizing and promoting the importance of this bilateral trade and joint action in new programs, the agreement aims to reinforce existing cooperation and to act in a more present way on issues related to global health, focusing on the exchange of good practices in regulatory and economic impact on the pharmaceutical sector; promotion of commercial opportunities between members of Abiquifi and the Brazilian Pharma & Health sector project (a partnership between Abiquifi and Apex-Brasil) with British companies in the life sciences and human health segment; promotion of investment opportunities of British companies in Brazil (Overseas Direct Investment) and member companies of Abiquifi and of the sector project in the United Kingdom (Foreign Direct Investment); promotion of the services of the British Export Credit Agency, UKEF, to members of Abiquifi and the sectoral project; events, missions and other collaborative activities between the parties.
With these activities, countries can develop a relationship beyond business, sharing technology and knowledge to broaden the reach of industry advancements.

Why Brazil?

The Brazilian pharmaceutical industry has grown more and attracted more investments. According to Anvisa, only in 2016 the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry handled about R $ 63.5 billion.
In this sense, more and more companies are looking to provide quality and innovative products and services. Abiquifi, for example, is a private institution that seeks to more actively represent Brazilian companies producing pharmaceutical inputs, fostering the national pharmaceutical industry.
According to Renata Ramalhosa, deputy consul and director of the UK Ministry of International Trade in Brazil, establishing these relations with Brazil in different areas brings benefits to the two countries. "The partnerships between Brazil and the United Kingdom go back centuries. We see Brazil as a place of opportunity and with potential in several sectors that must be exploited and valued. This agreement with Abiquifi allows us to share and learn with the Brazilian market so that both countries can grow together. "


Ana Cipriano
Tel .: (11) 3094-2738

Note to editors:

GREAT - Present in more than 60 countries, the GREAT Britain campaign was launched in Brazil in 2012 with the presence of Prince Harry. The aim is to spread the word about what the UK has to do to attract business, education and tourism opportunities. For this, GREAT is supported by different pillars that highlight the areas of British expertise, such as technology, innovation, culture, sporting legacy, music, sustainability, creativity and entrepreneurship. Follow GREAT Britain in Brazil via Facebook (/ ukinbrazil) or Twitter (@ukinbrazil).

The UK Department for International Trade (DIT) is responsible for promoting trade in UK products and services around the world and attracting foreign investment into the economy of its country. As a governing body, it has professionals specialized in negotiating international trade policies, as well as offering business support and presenting business diplomacy strategies.


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